
Place that is Alright with You

You didn't come to this world because it is broken
and needs fixing.

You came to this world because it is fantastic
 and you wanted to be here.

 But then, when you get here, 
when you start finding fault with parts of it that don't please you, 
you sort of negate the balance that you knew would be here
 that you chose, to begin with. 

That's why we want you to begin relaxing
 and allowing everything to be okay for awhile.

Your work is to joyously choose thoughts, words and actions
 that feel good while you choose them. 
And you say, 
"Well, that doesn't sound
 like enough justification 
for this life experience. 
How will I separate myself from the others?
 How will I stand out?
 How will I become the leader of the pack?
 How will I get the most stars on my chart? 
How will I excel?"
The other day we asked a group,
 "Does it bother you that Source Energy 
adores 100% of your population? 
How do you feel about that? Source Energy adores, not just tolerates, 
not just allows, Source Energy adores 100% of the population." 
Some are irritated at the idea, 
because they've been working very hard
 to be virtuous and praiseworthy. 
And it's irritating that those not working nearly as hard are still adored.

 When you reach this place that it is alright with you, that everything is alright, then you have no reason, ever again, to lock off your signal. 
That doesn't mean you don't have preferences. 
But when you no longer are condemning, 
pushing against, negating, or trying to remove something, 
then you're no longer a vibrational match to any of that, 
and then, only Well-being can be your experience.

Follow what you know to be true. if it feels good, it's right on. 

if it doesn't feel good, it's not. that's it, 

that's all there is to that.



Perspective Creates Perception

THE truth does not exist
as an objective reality.

Perspective creates perception,
and perception creates experience.

The experience that
perception creates for you
is what you call "truth."

Your truth is what
you actually experience....

Everything else is what
someone else has experienced
...and has told you about.

This has nothing
to do with you.

...from the book, "Home With God"
 by Neale Donald Walsch


Poo on 'Twitter 2001 follow restriction'..

JED: "Alright, Master Poo, let's start our Toe-to-Toe interview/review here. Tell me again what you told me way back when.. about the Twitter basics on following others & gaining followers."

JEDiturd's Note:
twittererers = twitter critters (twitcrittas)

MP: "Okay, well, JED. Basically, the way it works is twitcrittas are allowed to follow up to 2001 other twitcrittas. They are not allowed to follow any more than that until they have 1850 or 1900 following back. I forget the exact number now. I'll hafta look it up. Once they have 1850+ critters following them back, they can follow additional critters.

JED: "There is a catch, though. Right?"

MP: "Yes. Once the Twitter restriction is lifted at 2001, from that point on, you can only follow 10% more twitcrittas than the amount of them following you back."

JED: "So, what little bit of wisdom can one derive from knowing this Twitter follower/following rule?"

MP: "It means it is to one's disadvantage to keep following shitcrittas that refuse to follow back. And.. spam followers are quality followers because they offer value to you."

JED: "Why do spam followers offer value where shitcrittas don't?"

MP: "Well, basic math shows you that each spam follower you don't follow back makes up for each non-followback shitcritta you follow. There's apps now like Unfollow for Twitter that make it easy to ditch the unhelpful baggage. To whomever's reading this now, I'll pause & let you go declutter your twitter of them now. See you in a bit."

JED: "..."

Begins.. Toe to Toe with Poo now

Master Poo: "Good afternoon, Mr. Clampetunia."

JED: "Greetings, Master Poo."

MP: "What brings you to the village?"

J: "Well, I thought we could maybe go over a few topics that we once shared many a Holy Basil tea over many moons back."

MP: "Okay. And you're posting it on a blog because why?"

J: "It's kind of a long story. I've a feeling you know why. Besides, if we can just talk for a bit, I'm sure you'll get the gist of the shit you missed."

MP: "Okay, so how do you wanna do this?"

J: "Well, Poo. I mean, Master Poo. I wrote down some of the topics I wanted to go over with you & have a few questions related to each of them. I thought we could maybe structure our conversation somewhat like a practice test where you see what I retained from what you taught me. Seeing as how long I can drag out an answer (this reply is proof), I thought we could restrict ourselves to 140 characters in an attempt to give our discussion a Twitter vibe."

MP: "Okay. I see you have many topics set up as blog posts, but you haven't added content yet."

J: "Yeah. I know. I'm still setting up this interview with you thing."

MP: "Okay, I'm ready. This iced tea's for you."

J: "Thanks, Master. Can you give me a sec? I'll be right back."


The New Westerns - "The Girl Who Never Was"

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem is a place to learn about the economic way of thinking through the eyes of creative director John Papola and creative economist Russ Roberts.

In Fear the Boom and Bust, John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek, two of the great economists of the 20th century, come back to life to attend an economics conference on the economic crisis. Before the conference begins, and at the insistence of Lord Keynes, they go out for a night on the town and sing about why there's a "boom and bust" cycle in modern economies and good reason to fear it.

Get the full lyrics, story and free download of the song in high quality MP3 and AAC files at:

Plus, to see and hear more from the stars of Fear the Boom and Bust, Billy Scafuri and Adam Lustick, visit their site:

Music was produced by Jack Bradley at Blackboard3 Music and Sound Design. It was composed and performed by Richard Royston Jacobs.